Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cabbage Patch Kid

They look like little cabbages, those yummy Brussels sprouts. And that's what they are.

I never knew "Brussels" was plural. I'd always said, "brussel sprouts". Brussels is capitalized too. Hmm..

Anyway, a few days ago, I ate this vegetable for the first time in my life. Why I'd been so afraid of it, I'll never really know. Was it the appearance? Little green buds with an unknown center. Was it the name? I'd heard negative references about them forever: television, movies, kids on the block whose mean moms were forcing them to eat them. This was a not a food eaten for pleasure or hunger, but for pure punishment. Punishment from overzealous parents or, worse yet, overzealous friends' parents trying to exert control or influence over their neighbor's kids.

Well, punishment or not--they're good. Brussels Sprouts are delicious. My first-try recipe is simple: steamed for about 10 minutes then sauteed with butter and salt for about 3-4 minutes.
You get a juicy, plump, leafy bundle of flavor. Yum. Serve with a steak and you're good to go.

However, I discovered the real problem with the Brussels Sprouts later. Like it's cousin, the broccoli, one must accept a certain level of digestion issues after enjoying it. Perhaps a shot of Pepto Bismol or even some Beano beforehand might do the trick.

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